Wonder is that a spiritual sign from someone or can I get to connect with those who have passed again.
You wonder when you see signs, coins, feathers or favorite song coming on the radio. Or your left ear is ringing for no reason. Yes, these are signs. Who do you think of after seeing those objects or the sound of that music? When you start to smile or feeling is who you think of after the encounter gift from spirit is presented. It is that person you are thinking of.
When you smell their cologne or a certain part of your body is tingling or feels touched. Like hair or arm. It's your loved one in spirit. When you allow yourself to feel them again without pain or fear. They are always giving you signs of I am here and giving hope & uplift. It does not matter the time that has passed.
When calling in your fur baby. This can happen as well during a session. You may have felt your beloved pet walk on the bed, smelt them or even fur brush across your face. Some have even felt the heaviness across their chest. This is them. They come to you when you are sad to give you comfort again. Even in the spirit whelm they are communicating with you still. Call them in as well.
How can I connect privately at first. To feel how comfortable, to try a ⁕Reiki Master Practitioner/Medium.
Tip: First you need to clear your space. Make sure your area is light and flowing in energy in the room you are doing your session in. Make sure you have a candle burning, water, air flowing like a window open or a fan and nature like a plant or sage. Even flowers from outside beside your bed or area. Even lavender or eucalyptus as well.
⁕I would highly recommend one to get a Reiki practitioner and have a session to open the 3rd eye. Please look up what a 3rd eye means. A Reiki practitioner is someone you trust to make your body feel relaxed and content.

Light a candle, soft music (Reiki Music) find it on YouTube or Spotify. Music should be what draws you into peace of body and mind at that moment. While in your quiet spot, it is where you find serenity or even in your own bed. Before you lay down you must try the following.
Wash your hands in cold water. Say a prayer or a message to yourself. Go back to your spot, relax and take both of your hands and place them along your brow until you feel the heat or energy. Tell yourself I am safe. Ask your guides to come into session.
Recommend just breathing slowly 4 in 4 out for relaxation. Tell yourself you are in a safe place to receive messages. Call in your spirit guides to assist you. You will go into almost a sleeping state with memory. Close your eyes and start from your crown (head) all the way down to your roots (toes). Put your body in relaxation mode.
Call in this person. Remember to relax, talk about the great memories you have had with them that made you smile. You will feel them physically present or their energy. Keep talking. When you are ready and feel confident, ask them to touch a certain spot on your body.
Do not feel scared they would never hurt you. The love you carry never goes away. It takes a couple of tries to start feeling it. It's like a weight, tingle or brush. Each person is different.
You may have tears streaming down your face, its release and confirmation. Connected with our higher self in self-healing since they have been gone.
Just talk to them like you would if they were sitting next to you. It's your private conversation. When you are finished, you feel like you are done with your in-person session. Please, thank them for coming, and your guides for allowing you to feel this moment again.
Blow out your candle and wash your hands in cold water. Safety is always.
Please, give thanks for your blessings in life. Home, food, health and family.
Note: Some of you may get a vision or message depending on your level of enlightened spirituality. Make sure you write it down on paper if you do. If it does not make sense, it may come sometime in the future. You have a paper to look back on for confirmation.
If you would like specific messages, with touch, see someone like myself, Reiki Master/Medium/Counselor in Skills, or others in your area. It's our gifts of energy exchange that keep you connected and feeling your best.
Specific messages and techniques on how to build your spirituality. Some Reiki practitioner does energy exchange only. Ask before the session what is going to happen during your session with them.
Any questions or would like more tips. Feel free to contact me on here or message me on my social media. I also have an amazing team of friends whose gifts may help on your journey. Bio-Magnetic, Crow Akashic Records, Tarot Card Reading, Reiki and IET. I can direct you to them personally for a session.
If you would like a one on one session in person, I do days and evenings. Book a session here on my website. Excited to hear your feedback if it worked for you doing your own personal healing as well. Love & Light my friend.